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Plein-Jeu à Saint-Séverin


... It is a little known fact that, for several months already, Saint-Séverin has boasted one of the most beautiful organs in Europe...

Jacques LONGCHAMPT, Le Monde dated April 23, 1964

This March, 8th commemorated a great day for Saint-Séverin: just 60 years ago – March 8, 1964 – the great organ was blessed and inaugurated, at the end of major reconstruction work carried out by Alfred KERN and Philippe HARTMANN, under the piloting of Michel CHAPUIS, who was at the keyboards as the new titular organist. Particularly innovative in the musical and patrimonial context of that time, these works made a landmark in the modern history of Parisian organs by once again listening to sounds unheard since the 18th century.


To celebrate this anniversary, the organists and the association “Plein-jeu à St-Séverin” have planned an exceptional season which will last until May 2025.


Every 4th Saturday of the month will be an opportunity to hear and taste all the richness of our organ, which will be displayed by organists of all generations, young talents and renowned personalities long-attached to our church.

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Coming soon




Concert tremplin

Gabriel DE LAHARPE, C.R.R. of Paris




Italian chamber music

Class of chamber music, C.R.R. of Paris




Concert "Grand siècle"

Improvisation and Saint-Séverin plainchant
Freddy EICHELBERGER and the Chantres of Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles

The association "Plein-Jeu à Saint-Séverin" lives solely thanks to your generosity

To support the association, go to the dedicated page

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Plein-Jeu à Saint-Séverin

3, rue des prêtres Saint Séverin – 75005 Paris

Métro 10 - Cluny-La Sorbonne / Métro 4  RER B-C - Saint-Michel

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